Campus Naturaleza UdeC is presented at the forum “Sustainability Challenges of the Judicial Branch of Concepción”

With the presentation “Balancing the dimensions of Strong Sustainability in the Biobío Region: Campus Naturaleza UdeC”, the project director, Dr. Cristian Echeverría Leal, participated in the panel forum “Sustainability Challenges”, organized by the Sustainability Committee of the Judiciary, with the support of the Penquista Court of Appeals.
The academic from the Faculty of Forest Sciences at UdeC explained the differences between sustainability approaches and their evolution from the triple helix to the so-called strong sustainability. He also presented the UdeC Campus Naturaleza project, detailing its genesis, lines of action and the activities carried out during the last year.
“Campus Naturaleza UdeC is a pioneering initiative of its kind, where our University reaffirms its commitment to the community where it was born, protecting this unique space for the conservation of biodiversity and human well-being. Presenting Campus Naturaleza at the “Sustainability Challenges” Forum was a very good experience, since we were able to get closer to a branch of the State that has a high interest in improving our relationship with nature and knowing how our institutional project is being executed,” said Echeverría.
The event was opened by the President of the Court of Appeals of Concepción, Mauricio Silva Pizarro, who said in his speech: “along with the growing reaction of governments around the world regarding the issue (climate change), each of us citizens must be concerned and take care of it, since the future of the new generations will depend on what we decide and do.”
The panel also included Julián Perret García, Deputy Manager of Central Public Affairs at Colbún; Felipe Hormazábal Canales, Deputy Manager of Sustainability, Safety and Occupational Health at Blumar; Rodrigo Tapia Riffo, Administrator of the Cañete Court of First Instance and Family Court; and Federico Quijada Leyton, architect and master's degree holder in energy-efficient building project management.