
UdeC Forest Firefighters Trained in Native Ecosystem Protection

Relevant knowledge about the identification and protection of endangered species of flora and fauna, among others, were the main topics of the training for the UdeC Forestry Brigade given by professionals from the Campus project…

Release of Monitos del Monte on the UdeC Campus Naturaleza Project Land

Two specimens of the monito del monte (Dromiciops gliroides), from the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of the University of Concepción, in Chillán, were released in the remnants of native forest, which are part of the…

European Researchers Visit Campus Naturaleza UdeC

The stay of researchers Sylwia Kulczyk and Marta Derek ended with a visit to the native forest. The academics from the University of Warsaw, in Poland, discussed their impressions and the relationship between Campus Naturaleza and themes…

Teachers Visit Campus Naturaleza Project Grounds

A vision from direct experience in the native forest was what academics from the University of Concepción took away. Professionals from different areas of university knowledge were invited as part of the…

Spring Colors at Campus Naturaleza

This time of year, characterized by its new tones and shapes, is easily noticeable in the native forest and in the spaces where this unprecedented project in Chile will be implemented. The song of the fiofío, a migratory bird…

The paradigm shift does not occur solely within the spheres of decision-makers at the national or international level.

Christopher Anderson, IIBPES Associate Scholar “Invasive alien species are one of the top five drivers of biodiversity loss.” The ruling made the news a few weeks ago as part of the report…

University of Concepción Establishes Mixed Advisory Council for Campus Naturaleza Project

In what is a transcendental step for the future, the milestone of the formation of the Joint Advisory Council of the Campus Naturaleza Universidad de Concepción project was achieved. The body is part of the organizations included within…

"The Nature and Community Connection: Guided Tours Begin at Unprecedented Conservation Project in Chile"

Carrying out one of its priority axes, the biodiversity conservation initiative, unique in the country, has launched its guided tour program. This will be the only official way to see part of the project's land,…

An unprecedented nature conservation project begins in Chile.

The university, in the framework of its 104th anniversary, is undertaking an initiative with unique characteristics in the country, based on science and the benefits that permanent contact with nature provides to human beings. This is the project…

Images owned by the Campus Naturaleza project, University of Concepción