Project Campus Naturaleza UdeC Celebrates One Year of Life

Various actions marked the first year of life of a project based on science and the benefits that nature provides to humans. The unprecedented initiative of the University of Concepción is projected to consolidate its model…

The Biocultural Legacy of the Campus Naturaleza UdeC Project: A Year of Achievements and Challenges

In May 2023, the University of Concepción launched the ambitious Campus Naturaleza UdeC project, a pioneering initiative that seeks to apply nature-based solutions in collaboration with the local community and scientific knowledge.…

Progress in Site Preparation for the Future Botanical Garden at UdeC

The harvesting of exotic tree species continues these days in the hills adjacent to the University of Concepción. This is a transcendental step, which will make available surfaces for the first botanical garden of the UdeC,…

University of Concepción and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Launch Climate Action Guide

The climate crisis and environmental challenges make it increasingly urgent to take concrete measures to address them. In this context, the University of Concepción and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) present “Guide for Action…

Campus Naturaleza Mixed Advisory Council Visits Ecological Restoration Experience in Nonguén National Park

Thirteen years ago, this area located in the south of what is now Nonguén National Park, looked different. A forest fire in 1999 split an important fragment of native forest in two, with the consequent damage to the…

Nature conservation cannot be achieved without involving communities.

Camila Iturra, Senior Donor Programme Manager de Fauna & Flora, La historia de Fauna y Flora Internacional, ONG inglesa ligada a la conservación de la naturaleza, es muy antigua, pero iniciada con fines diametralmente opuestos…

Opinion Column: Latent Risk of Forest Fires and the Need for Territorial Planning

En el actual contexto de altas temperaturas, cambio climático y alteraciones producidas por el ser humano, entre otros, los incendios forestales se alzan como el riesgo más latente que afecta a personas, ecosistemas nativos y zonas productivas. Las…

Initiation of Ex Situ Conservation at Campus Naturaleza

La Universidad de Concepción, dispondrá de 6 hectáreas para implementar la primera colección para la conservación ex situ de especies amenazadas chilenas, en el proyecto Campus Naturaleza.   Nadie sabe si se necesitará un arca…

Universities reflect on global environmental challenges and commitments.

The event, organized by the University of Concepción and held in Santiago, was attended by various actors from the public, academic, private and social organizations worlds. The event also featured the presentation of…

UdeC Forest Firefighters Trained in Native Ecosystem Protection

Relevant knowledge about the identification and protection of endangered species of flora and fauna, among others, were the main topics of the training for the UdeC Forestry Brigade given by professionals from the Campus project…